set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "51"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #27:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ BLACK CURRANT JAM Wash 2 1/4 lbs of black currant, put into a preserving pan over a moderate heat, with the 2 cups of water and prick while stirring. Cook for 10 minutes. Put through a fine sieve, lightly squeezing the pulp. Measure the collected juice. Decant the juice into the preserving pan. Add 1 1/3 lbs sugar per pint of juice obtained. Cook until the mixture starts thickening into a jelly. Then add the remaining black currants, washed and picked off the branches. Cook for a further 10 minutes, stirring delicately to avoid breaking the currants. The jam is cooked when it thickens into a jelly again. The proportions indicated are very important, you must respect them 1 1/3 lb sugar and 18 oz black currants per pint of juice obtained. Take these proportions into account to calculate according to the quantity desired. @ For 4 lbs of jam: 3 1/3 lbs black currants 1 1/3 lbs sugar 2 cups water @ 30 mn @ 20 mn @ @ Burgundy @ Desserts @ @ @